Do you want a wallpaper of your favorite celebrity? How about your favorite TV shows? Click here to request wallpaper from The Beauty of Alias!
Wow, I haven't updated in like, forever! I've been busy re-creating my fansite, Alias Fanatics United. Therefore, I am giving you so many updates that your head should explode! I hope you enjoy them, and I apologize for not updating in so long.
- Episode-based wallpapers of "Almost Thirty Years," "A Free Agent," "Phase One" and "Color-Blind" in the Groups and Shipper sections.
- A new Jennifer Garner wp and a Vaughn wp
- Many new updates in the Non-Alias section. Wallpapers of includeMatthew McConaughey, Ethan Embry, Hayden Christensen Skeet Ulrich, Jennifer Lopez, Kate Hudson, Charlize Theron, James Marsters, Nicholas Brendon, Christina Aguilera, and Owen Wilson!
- And what kind of day would it be without some good 'ol non-Alias wallpaper? We have TWO Fight Club wallpapers for you today!
- We've also got a new 'shipper wallpaper. It's actually of Syd and Vaughn and Jack and Irina, but we just stuck it in the S/V category.
- We've got a new Jennifer Garner wallpaper, a new Michael Vartan wallpaper, a new Bradley Cooper wallpaper, and a new David Anders wallpaper! Too much hotness!
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